Predictions & Personal Development

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Predictions & Personal Development


  • Fate & Free Will
  • Refining Oneself
  • 2007 Forecast
  • About the show

    Internationally known psychic Joseph Jacobs spoke on the topic of fate vs. self determination and also shared some predictions for the year ahead. We are all on a certain track (fate) but it is the choices we make as we move along this track that gives us our free will, he explained. Negative thinking and self-doubts can hold you back from achieving what you want, said Jacobs, so it's important to be aware of one's thoughts and feelings.

    It's also beneficial to accept "where you are" -- to "own" your current situation, as a way of dealing with it, and from this vantage, taking positive action to induce change when needed, he advised. Further, we are here to refine ourselves and work on our personal development.

    2007 is going to be a heavy year, Jacobs warned. He sees major military escalation during December 2006 and Jan. & Feb. 2007, particularly in the Middle East. There'll also be an economic slowdown in Jan. & Feb., and possibly a major announcement connecting UFOs with another planet, in the year ahead, said Jacobs, who'll return for another show to share his further forecast for 2007.

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    Channeling & Suicide
    Channeling & Suicide
    Parapsychologist and authority on channeling, Jon Klimo, discussed what happens in the afterlife to those who commit suicide. His information was gleaned from channelers that said they'd connected with departed souls who had died from suicides.


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