Biblical Prophecy & Geopolitics

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Biblical Prophecy & Geopolitics


  • Bible as Message System
  • Moses & New Discovery
  • Babylon & Prophecy
  • About the show

    Author Chuck Missler discussed various aspects of the Bible, including its usage of secret codes, and its prophetic nature. He also shared his views on the current geopolitical situation and how it relates to biblical prophecy.

    The Bible is an "integrated message system," that has as its origin an "out of time" domain, --- allowing for history to be anticipated before it happens, he explained. For instance, many specific details about Christ's life were spelled out in the Old Testament, three centuries before he was born, said Missler.

    Among the signs that we are nearing 'end times' as prophecied in the Bible, he suggested that the planned NAFTA highway between Mexico and Canada will bring us closer to a One World government-- which will ultimately be led by the Antichrist. The next 3-5 years are going to be turbulent, commented Missler, but he doesn't believe that the 7-year period climaxing in Armageddon has begun just yet. He also shared news of an unannounced archaeological discovery in Saudi Arabia-- artifacts that show an early alphabet system given to Moses on Mount Sinai.

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