New Science & the Paranomal

Hosted byGeorge Noory

New Science & the Paranomal


  • Ghosts & Energy
  • Bermuda Triangle & PSI
  • Wicca & 'Dimitri'
  • About the show

    Author Marie Jones discussed her new book PSIence which draws parallels between the paranormal and the world of quantum physics & new science. It was Lynne McTaggart's book The Field which served as her initial inspiration, she said.

    The idea of ghosts as "trapped energy" corresponds to the notion of Zero Point Energy as a field in which energy never dies, Jones detailed.The Bermuda Triangle possibly represents an "earthbound" wormhole, and such intermittent phenomena as missing time, disappearances and vertigo could be related to climatological factors that affect the wormhole, she theorized. Psychic abilities also seem connected to the quantum world, she added. The principles of non-locality, entanglement, and wave particle duality might explain psi powers of the mind such as telepathy.

    Jones discussed the idea of a "holographic universe"-- what we experience may be a projection from a higher dimension of reality. She also touched on her background as a Wiccan and "metaphysical witch."

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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    Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
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