'Otherkin' Calls & More

Hosted byIan Punnett

'Otherkin' Calls & More


  • Scott's Dragon Soul
  • Nick's Alien Virus
  • Ian's Ouija Board Story
  • About the show

    Filling in for George, Ian Punnett hosted a night of Open Lines with a special topic line for 'Otherkins' -- people who believe they have non-human souls. Ian also shared a strange experience he had while using a ouija board in an old haunted chapel.

    In the second half-hour, filmmaker Jared Johnson discussed The Transfiguration of Harold Maines, his 35-minute 'mockumentary' about a man who may have turned into a horse. R. Gary Patterson also made a brief appearance during the first hour.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
    Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
    Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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