Lunar Evidence

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lunar Evidence


  • Mining on the Moon
  • Military Secrets
  • Hoagland & Lear Discussion
  • About the show

    Former aviation pilot John Lear returned for a discussion about photographic evidence for cities and mining operations on the moon (view material he provided). He said that mining operations for such substances as helium-3 have been going on for years, and that antigravity ships, secretly launched from Antarctica, arrive at the moon in only one hour's time. He cited a poster known as "sleeper" (blog) at the forum as one of the sources for his information.

    Lear also argued that the moon was towed into its current orbit by a huge electromagnetic vehicle, and that vehicle can be seen in a photo taken of the moon crater Tsiolkovsky. He also believes that the moon contains a breathable atmosphere, as evidenced by photos showing smoke or vapor coming from the surface.

    Joining the conversation during the third hour, Richard C. Hoagland concurred with Lear that there are artificial structures on the moon, yet he suggested they may be ancient rather than new. If there is mining that is taking place there, it could be for the "retro-engineering of ancient technology," said Hoagland, who added that he does not think the photographic evidence supports the notion that the moon has an atmosphere. During the last hour, Lear took questions from the listeners.

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    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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