Ancient Voyages

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ancient Voyages


  • Ancient Maps
  • Ancient Fleets
  • Plant Dispersals
  • About the show

    During the middle two hours, archeologist and anthropologist Gunnar Thompson discussed the forbidden history of the world before Columbus. There were numerous ancient voyages to the New World before 1492, but most people have a tremendous ignorance of this history, he declared.

    Thompson shared evidence for ancient civilizations such as the Chinese and Roman making trips to the Americas. A Ming Dynasty Map created one hundred years before Columbus' voyage, shows details of North and South America and Chinese maps going back to 1000 AD were also very accurate, he detailed. The Chinese had huge fleets that sailed to Africa, he added.

    A Roman map from the fifth century AD showed a southern continent that is similar to South America, and Egyptian artifacts were found in El Salvador in the early 1900's, he continued. However, most historians adopt a dogmatic view of past explorations and discard this type of evidence as either a hoax or a fraud, he commented.

    The last hour of the show was devoted to Open Lines. In a "Something's Gonna Happen" hotline, people shared their intuitions, with a number of callers forecasting natural disasters in the near future.

    Asteroid Threats

    First half-hour guest, NASA research scientist Donald Yeomans spoke about near Earth asteroid threats. 5,000 new asteroids are discovered each month, he noted, and in 2036, the asteroid Apophis will have a one-in-45,000 chance of hitting us. Different types of deflection technology are currently being explored, but we need several years warning in order to effectively use them against a potential threat, he explained.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
    Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
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