Anomalous & Ancient Discoveries

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Anomalous & Ancient Discoveries


  • Lost Technology & Expeditions
  • Egyptian Skull & Underground Tunnels
  • Discoveries in New Zealand
  • About the show

    Archeologist Jonathan Gray described a variety of anomalous and ancient discoveries. These findings are evidence of a "super science and technology" that civilizations around the world once had but lost, he said. The ability to lift enormous weights through "sound waves" was documented in Egyptian records, as well as in Bolivia and India, and there was also a capacity to have lights that can burn for thousands of years, he detailed.

    There's a human civilization living today in ancient underground tunnel systemsnear the Andes in South America, he reported. Their tunnels use a sensor-like lighting system in which the lights grow brighter as a person approaches. Many of the tunnel walls appear to be glass, as though they were cut out, and a greenish radiating light helps to grow plants underground. Gray said he hopes to conduct an expedition at this secretive location.

    Among some of the other reports he touched on-- evidence of a Celtic visit to New Zealand 4,000 years ago, an ancient smelter for refining gold in Oklahoma, a man turned into glass crystals inside a subterranean chamber in India, a bullet hole found in an Egyptian mummy, and the discovery of 8-foot tall skeletons that were six-fingered and six-toed in New Mexico.

    Iran Update

    First hour guest, Jerome Corsi, the co-author of Showdown with Nuclear Iran, shared a Middle East update. He believes that Bush is looking for an incident to provoke a war with Iran and may have found one with their capture of British marines. But taking military action would put us on the wrong track-- the US should concentrate on changing Iran from within peacefully, as the Ahmadinejad regime is weak, Corsi argued.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Hidden News / Haunted Toys
    Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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