Healing & Energy Fields

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Healing & Energy Fields

About the show

Chiropractor and Naturopathic physician Dr. Richard Bartlett spoke about his therapeutic technique, which combinessubtle energy physics, consciousness and focused intent. It is possible for healing to take place at the quantum level, where the body is composed of a stream of photons, he explained.

He also discussed "morphic fields" -- an underlying pattern or energy that is shared among a species or group. Bartlett, who presents seminars in transformative healing, offered commentary on caller's accounts of medical maladies and recoveries, during the latter half of the show.

Ashes in Orbit

First half-hour guest, Charles Chafer of Space Services Inc., spoke about the plan to send James Doohan’s ashes into orbit. The April 28th launch will also include remains of the astronaut Gordon Cooper, he noted.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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