
  • Mexico's Roswell
  • Psychic Searching
  • Johnston's Methods
  • About the show

    Kelly Snyder of Find Me discussed how his group of 32 psychics & experts assists law enforcement and families in locating missing people. The organization was formed out of frustration because a lot of cases involving missing kids weren't being looked at, he explained. The team of psychics, who are vetted during a one-year probationary period, are all given the same basic information about a case and then work separately on their impressions.

    Three of the team members joined the show during the evening to share their process. Forensic astrologer Dave Campbell said he gathers his data through an astrological crime scene chart that he devises based on the start time of the incident. He then combines this information with perceptions he receives as a medium.

    Spiritual teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston uses meditation to tune in to the energy of the deceased or missing person, and sometimes incorporates cards or a pendulum to fine tune a location. As a clairsentient, she experiences empathically what may have taken place during a crime.

    Search & Rescue facilitator Kristi Smith talked about her work training dogs to locate people through scent. Canines can provide closure, either eliminating a place, or finding a body in a given location, she noted.

    Shuttle Commentary

    Appearing during the first half-hour, author Robert Zimmerman and Richard C. Hoagland (new website: darkmission.net) offered commentary on the Shuttle mission, and the decision not to repair it before its return.

    Related Articles:

    In the second half of hour one, Ruben Uriarte and Noe Torres spoke about the 1974 UFO case known as Mexico's Roswell. In January 2007, the two investigated the site of the incident in the Chihuahuan Desert, just south of the US border. A small civilian plane was said to crash into a silver disc-shaped object that had been picked up by radar. According to their sources, a group of Mexican soldiers died, possibly due to some kind of contamination at the crash site. Subsequently, the US sent in a team that reportedly exploded the deceased soldiers and crashed disc in order to "disinfect the area." Check out some images that ran in Uriarte & Torres' article for the July issue of UFO Magazine, such as the above sketch of the UFO.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
    Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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