Remote Viewing Bin Laden

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Remote Viewing Bin Laden


  • Life in Martian Microbes
  • Radiological Attacks
  • Tracking Bin Laden & Al Qaeda
  • About the show

    Remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames discussed how his agency (the Matrix Intelligence Agency) has pinned down the location of Osama bin Laden. There was a particular urgency in this task, as he believes a radiological attack on the United States by al-Qaeda is imminent. Al-Qaeda has reconstituted and is stronger than they were before 9-11 with "tentacles" all around the world, he said.

    While bin Laden lives in a cave structure or underground in Pakistan (see map below), he does come out to go to a mosque, said Dames, who added that about the only thing the U.S. can do to deter al-Qaeda is to continually take out their leadership.

    Dames touched on the 'Solar Killshot,' which he suggested is part of an 11,500-year cycle that the Earth goes through. He noted that coronal mass ejections from the sun could cause temperatures on Earth to rise as high as 200 degrees Fahrenheit, over a period of 30 minutes. He also shared details about the learning process of remote viewing, and agreed to remote view the building of the ancient pyramids, as a special project requested by George.

    Life in Martian Soil?

    First hour guest Richard C. Hoagland ( commented on a report that Martian soil may contain life. The possibility that Martian microbes are metabolizing hydrogen peroxide at minus 60 degrees Fahrenheit is particularly intriguing, he said.

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