Progressions, Crop Circles & Crystal Skulls

Hosted byGeorge Noory


Progressions, Crop Circles & Crystal Skulls


  • Crop Circle Research
  • Properties of Crystal Skulls
  • Future Environments
  • About the show

    Regression therapist and lecturer Chet Snow discussed his groundbreaking book Mass Dreams of the Future, and also shared his research/theories about crop circles, crystal skulls and 2012. Crop circles can be thought of as interdimensional anomalies, but they are deeply rooted to the Earth rather than originating from an ET source, said Snow. They may be connected to the Mayan calendar, as some crop patterns have depicted numerology/symbols of the Mayans, he added.

    Snow said that he knows of 20 ancient crystal skulls, but there may actually be 52 in total. He theorized that the ancient skulls could have been formed via plant secretions capable of shaping/melting the crystals. Energy can be stored inside a crystal skull and then amplified and transmitted via a skilled healer or intuitive, he reported.

    During the 1980s, Snow worked with Dr. Helen Wambach on a study involving around a thousand subjects. They were put into a trance and asked to describe their future lives in such time periods as 2150 and 2350, in a kind of "Gallup Poll of the subconscious." He found four different types of future societies: Space-farers-- living on spaceships or off-Earth colonies; New agers-- using collective thought-forms to create their environment; Hi-tech-- dwellers living underground or in domes in order to survive the harsh environment and Rustics-- living simpler with less technology, as though they were from around 1900. For more, see the article below.

    Asteroid Update

    First hour guest, planetary scientist Dan Durda gave an update on asteroid research, noting that the Spaceguard Survey has already tracked most of the larger asteroids in our solar system. The current focus will be to look for the numerous smaller objects in the asteroid belt that could cause regional concern if they were to hit Earth, he said.


    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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