Gravity Illuminated

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Gravity Illuminated


  • Atoms & Gravity
  • Electromagnetic Forces
  • Antigravity, Space Travel & Fertility
  • About the show

    Author and scientist Maurice Cotterell spoke about his research into the enigmatic force of gravity, and its underpinnings on a molecular level. Gravity is not a fifth force but a manifestation of electromagnetic (EM) energy, a kind of "corkscrew" wave, he explained.

    With the understanding of gravity as polarized EM radiation, a wave equal and opposite to the gravitational radiation could be used to overcome the force of gravity, he detailed. Such anti-gravity radiation could make interstellar travel a real possibility, but since our Sun controls fertility, migration to another planetary system would fail, Cotterell declared.

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    Last Night

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