Reincarnation & Interlives

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Reincarnation & Interlives


  • Cryptomnesia & Regressions
  • Australian Cases
  • Interlife Descriptions
  • About the show

    Author Ian Lawton shared his research into reincarnation and existence between lives. The evidence for reincarnation comes from children's spontaneous memories of previous lives, as well as regression research into adults' past lives, he detailed. Some children recall specific details of a past life that can be verified, he noted.

    Yet some past life recall has been found to be related to cryptomnesia, Lawton pointed out. For instance, in the Jane Evans regressions, in which a Welsh woman recalled six different lives, many of the details were found in historical novels that she had read, and subconsciously stored in her mind.

    From regression studies, Lawton has found strong similarities of how people describe "interlives" or when souls are between incarnations: They go through a transition with healing showers of energy, and then must strip away their denser emotions in order to raise their vibration level. A life review and a planning of their next life is also involved. Interestingly, he has not found evidence of karma playing out over a series of lives-- rather individuals seek to expand and grow through new experiences.

    Pakistan Unrest

    First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi offered commentary on the current unrest in Pakistan. The whole region could become inflamed, possibly reigniting wars in Afghanistan, he said.

    Bumper Music