Magic Feats

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Magic Feats


  • King: Forecast & Casework
  • 'Phenomenon' Contest
  • Hypnotic Blindness & Feats
  • About the show

    Joining George for a live in-studio appearance, during the middle two hours, were 'Psychic Madman' Jim Karol and fellow Phenomenon contestants Mike Super (the winner) and Angela Funovitz (runner-up). Karol demonstrated his memory feats, identifying the location of zip codes, while Super handed George a sealed envelope, which later revealed the exact information that callers randomly chose.

    Super described putting an audience through "hypnotic blindness" in which they were no longer able to see a motorcycle on stage. Funovitz's final act on Phenomenon involved using a chainsaw to cut through boxes, one of which contained a man.

    The last hour of the program featured Open Lines.

    Hans King Update

    First hour guest, psychic medium Hans King checked in with an update. His recent efforts include starting a school for mediumship and intuition.

    As 2012 approaches, he foresees a shift in consciousness, an abandonment of old ways of doing things, and a possible "celestial event" (though nothing as dramatic as a meteor strike). He also expressed concern over lack of water, and suggested that more efforts be made to convert saltwater into fresh water.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
    Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
    Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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