The Impact of NDEs

Hosted byRollye James

The Impact of NDEs

About the show

President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (, Yolaine Stout joined Rollye James for a discussion on Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). Stout described her own NDE, which occurred to her in 1982 when she was an atheist. The episode, which included a meeting with Jesus, altered her core belief system, and she left her career to devote herself to studies of NDEs.

IANDS has collected over 800 case reports which share many commonalities, such as out-of-body experiences, the tunnel, meeting deceased relatives, heightened sense of perception, and being given knowledge about one's purpose, the universe, and the future. Typically, the all-knowing sense about the universe is not retained when the person comes back from the NDE, she reported. Sometimes though, people are imbued with new gifts such as healing and psychic abilities, she added.

Stout shared some of the prophetic visions and probable futures that experiencers returned with: the middle of the US will have a large quake, oceans will divide the US in half, there'll be a WWIII, and 2010 will be a big year of change. She also noted that 17-18% of NDEs are of the hellish or frightening variety, though there does not seem to be a correlation with the person's character.

Vicki's NDE

In the first hour, Vicki Noratuk, blind since birth, described her NDE in which she was able to see. For more, view this recap of her previous appearance on the show.

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