Predictions for 2008 - Part I

Hosted byArt Bell


Predictions for 2008 - Part I

About the show

Art Bell hosted Part I of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers invited to share one event they see coming in 2008. Here are some of the predictions Coast listeners made for 2008:

  • Chris from NYC said that in March the price of oil will drop down to $50 a barrel.

  • The 2007 WD5 asteroid will hit Mars, and the remnants of an ancient civilization will be revealed.

  • A helicopter will crash into a non-residential building (medical or business), stated Yvonne from New York.

  • Max suggested that the Dow will drop to below 11,000.

  • Bill in Salinas believes that 'Bugs' will resurface and lead researchers to the remains of buried Bigfoot.

  • There will be a series of three earthquakes in Hawaii-- 8.6, 7.2 and 6.3, probably in March, said Darren.

  • John in Spokane said we'll endure 90 days of satellites being shut down.

  • Leonard from MS said he's had a reoccurring dream about a major train crash-- one that will go down in the record books.

  • The dollar will tank in the second week of March, and will be dumped worldwide, declared Bob from Arkansas.

  • Beth in Youngstown warned of a big disease coming from crows.

  • There will be no hurricanes over North America in '08, said Tim in Texas.

  • New Orleans will encounter problems with violence, when the NBA All-Star game comes to town.

  • Nick said the US and the international community will end up boycotting the '08 Olympics because of actions by China.

  • There will be a lot more school shootings.

  • A steam roller accident in Charleston, SC will take many lives.

  • And for the first time Art Bell, himself, made a prediction--
    Al Gore will jump into the race at the last moment in hopes of being drafted.

Art also reviewed some predictions from last year. Here are some of the hits & misses.

Bonks (Misses):

  • An E. Coli terrorist attack.

  • Terrorism at a major sporting event.

  • Israel attacks Iran.

  • Govt. gets Osama.

  • Base on moon revealed.

  • Syria, Iran and Russia attack Israel.

Dings (Hits):

  • More attention to gun control.

  • Increased animal attacks on humans.

  • Economy falters; dollar weakens further.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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