Predictions for 2008 - Part II

Hosted byArt Bell


Predictions for 2008 - Part II

About the show

Art Bell hosted Part II of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers invited to share one event they see coming in 2008. Here are some of the predictions Coast listeners had for 2008:

  • Bill from Toronto predicted that Blackberry sales will hit $2 billion.

  • Northern California will have an earthquake over 9.0 in April, according to Neil.

  • Dan in San Francisco foresees Osama Bin Laden calling for an end to the jihad and uniting the world's religions.

  • Zahi Hawass will relent and reconsider the age of the Sphinx, according to Blair in Sedona.

  • A new, almost unlimited, source of water will be found in the Southwest US, near volcanic mountains.

  • Chris in Texas warned that Pakistan will lose a nuclear sub.

  • Frequent C2C caller "JC" will be exposed as a government agent.

  • Mothman incidents will return to PA area, starting on July 4th.

  • An undisputed unified field theory will take humanity into space, said Michael.

  • Food prices will replace oil prices in news headlines.

  • Marty in California predicts a UFO being downed in the Lake Tahoe area and seen by many witnesses.

  • Lightning will become sentient and attack people.

  • Mark in Denver sees Bush revealing the next generation of stealth fighter, which will end up being the Black Triangles UFOs.

  • After two more box office flops, Tom Cruise will renounce Scientology and become a born-again Christian, claimed Joey in Pahrump.

  • The source of chemtrails will be revealed as nefarious climate modification.

  • Chris in Ohio predicts Mad Man Marcum returning from his time travels and having answers about John Titor.

Art also reviewed some predictions from last year. Here are some of the hits & misses.

Bonks (Misses):

  • Grave of Genghis Kahn is discovered.

  • Crop Circles appear on the White House lawn.

  • Jimmy Carter negotiates treaty with N. Korea.

  • Canadian politician revealed to be alien.

  • The CIA and FBI take C2C off the air.

  • Brett Favre retires.

Dings (Hits):

  • Major oil tanker leak in Pacific.

  • Art Bell performs another Mass Consciousness experiment.

  • Another major pro. wrestling fatality occurs.

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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