Alternative Energy Methods

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alternative Energy Methods


  • Martian Photo Analysis
  • Alternative Energy Approaches
  • Solar Power & Space
  • About the show

    Aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults spoke about his latest research into alternative energy development. He's formed an alliance with Worlds Nest to bring recycling of water and generation of power into homes and businesses world wide. In the near-future, many people will be able to create their own "power plants," providing energy to run their homes. Aside from solar and wind sources, which can be expensive and inefficient, he discussed a number of other methods for creating sustainable energy, which included:

    • Storing energy in flywheels-- a unit about the size of a refrigerator could power a home.
    • Nanosolar, an innovative, low-cost material that can be printed.
    • A hydraulic cylinder that freezes water, with the pressure creating power.
    • Orbital space stations can take advantage of the sun shining all the time, and would offer a distinct advantage for military purposes.

    Shults also touched on his research into Mars features, and offered analysis of the NASA photo posted on the site, which seemingly showed a mysterious figure. He looked at the original stereo image and said the "illusion fell apart"-- the form is actually a thin wafer of rock, rather than a humanoid.

    More info on Shults' work is posted at and this forum.

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