Lizard Man, Reptoids, & Mutilations

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lizard Man, Reptoids, &  Mutilations

About the show

'Cryptohunter' John Rhodes reported on recent and past Lizard Man accounts, Reptoids, and connections between MRSA and animal mutilations. A new South Carolina case bore similarities to a 1988 'Lizard Man' incident in which a car was vandalized with teeth marks chewing into the hood of a vehicle, along with reports of a man-lizard creature being seen in the area. Joining the program for a segment, Sheriff Liston Truesdale (now retired) recounted the witness testimony of a teenager in Bishopville, South Carolina, who in June of 1988, encountered a seven foot tall creature with red glowing eyes that chased after his truck (more here).

Such descriptions are reminiscent of the reports about Reptoids-- 7-8 ft. tall humanoids with reptile-like features such as three-fingered claws, scales, and vertical-slit pupils, Rhodes noted. He suggested that these beings might live in caves or deep inside the planet in "subcities," and could possibly have the ability to move between dimensions.

He spoke about an unusual animal mutilation case in Montana in 2007, where two calves were found inside identical flattened circles, one mile apart (images). Rhodes also speculated that animal mutilations may be related to pig fecal waste which can carry MRSA infections into the air and water table. A group (such as the Reptoids) could be testing the animals for pathogens, he said, and then calling attention to the potential biological disaster by leaving their bodies displayed. More here.

Hagmann Update

First hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network offered analysis of today's explosion in Times Square and attack in Jerusalem. There could be a terrorist attack against the US, scheduled to occur towards the end of Bush's term, he warned.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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