Ghosts & the Spirit World

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghosts & the Spirit World

About the show

Celebrated medium James Van Praagh returned for a discussion on his encounters with ghosts and the spirit world, as well as his psychic intuitions. Everyone is mediumistic to some extent and can channel energy from the spiritual dimension or their higher self, he declared. When a person dies, their connection with the "silver cord" is severed and their consciousness becomes expanded, he added.

Van Praagh said that he's seen dark energies in bars and clubs. Sometimes earthbound spirits can linger in such places, exerting influence on patrons to do drugs and alcohol so they can vicariously experience the sensation, he explained. Many Hollywood studios are haunted, and he detailed an occasion where he saw the ghost of Lucille Ball have a fight with Desi Arnaz in her old dressing room/office.

The number one message he receives from spirits on the other side is to "please forgive me" for various things such as not being able to love. Van Praagh said he'd seen himself in previous incarnations as a general in various wars, responsible for many deaths, but in this lifetime he was trying to make up for that by helping and healing people. He also revealed a recent precognition of a future event: He saw himself in a vision- in a room that was shaking, with ceiling panels falling down. The room was somewhere in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area) and a 6.0 quake had struck on 8/7/08.

Shroud of Turin Update

First hour guest, photographer Barrie Schwortz discussed the Shroud of Turin and a new hypothesis on its radiocarbon dating. For more, see this article (PDF) by John P. Jackson Ph D.

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