Monster Tales

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Monster Tales

About the show

During Full Moon Open Lines, George offered a 'Monster Moment' hotline. A special forces operator named Larry described his experiences in Afghanistan as well as a strange 30-minute firefight he had while serving there. After his patrol was hit by a RPG in Panjsher Valley, Larry said he could see shadow people on the enemy lines. Larry believes they may have been spirits of the fallen enemies he was fighting.

Bill, a former soldier living in Las Vegas, recounted his terrifying confrontation with a 7-ft tall creature with giant bat-shaped wings and a human torso and legs. Bill said the monster looked like the thing from the movie Jeepers Creepers. Kristi in Kentucky shared her 1998 encounter with a faceless, dark entity that she saw hovering above her bed one night. Kristi said bad things happened to her and her family after this incident.

Russell, also in Kentucky and speaking in a feigned Irish accent, told George about the Black Umbrella Project, a secret government experiment program that according to Russell sought to produce better soldiers by genetically manipulating humans with animal DNA. Russell said he has a cat-like bone structure, and like a vampire has to sleep during the day, doesn't appear to age, and enjoys eating bloody meat.

Astrology Update

In the first hour, astrologist Mark Lerner talked about the forthcoming total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 and how it will effect people and nations. The eclipse is in an off kilter relationship with asteroid Vesta, he explained, noting that this relates to the whole investment community of the world. Lerner also commented on George's astrological chart, Richard C. Hoagland and NASA, the situation between Iran and Israel, as well as the presidential election in November.

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