Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented several different reports. She interviewed Jim Marrs in regards to his new book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, exploring the similarities between Hitler's Third Reich of WWII and modern America. They also discussed Nazi "bell" technology which allegedly could neutralize gravity, stop time and perhaps even enable a kind of time travel.
Radar records of Stephenville, Texas from 1/8/08 were obtained by Glen Schulze and Robert Powell via an FOIA request. Analysis showed that anomalous aerial targets didn't give off transponder beeps, and in one instance, the target moved towards the Bush ranch compound in Crawford.
In her last report, she discussed the unusual 'Roswell Rock' found by Robert Ridge in 2004, in an area near an alleged UFO crash between Corona and Roswell in 1947. The rock, which has unusual magnetic properties, features a raised design that mirrors the pattern of a 1996 crop circle. In addition to interviewing Ridge, Linda spoke with James Constantopoulos, Ph.D., Professor of Geology atEastern New Mexico University, who found the rock remarkable in that the design was carved into material not easily worked on.
Paranormal Challenge
First hour guest, Dr. Colin Ross spoke about his application to James Randi's $1 Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge. Dr. Ross claims he can send an energy beam through his eyes to make a tone sound out of a speaker. The ability, which he said is related to the sense of being stared at, could be harnessed to turn on and off appliances, he suggested.