The 4th Reich in America

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The 4th Reich in America

About the show

Journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his new book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which posits that Nazi ideology threatens to overtake America. This authoritarian ideology-- that the end justifies the means, is practiced by various secret societies, sometimes called the Illuminati, who function within the US as well as globally, he explained.

A number of powerful and wealthy families in America supported the Nazis leading up to WWII, and these same families own media conglomerates and corporate entities that exist today, he detailed. As many as 100,000 Nazis were brought over to the U.S. after the war-- some sharing their advanced technology in programs such as Project Paperclip, in exchange for immunity, said Marrs.

He described technology such as the Nazi Bell, a large conical shaped device with rotating magnetic fields which allowed for the manipulation of energy at both the atomic and subatomic level. This may have been the same technology used in the Philadelphia Experiment, he noted. The Nazis had flying saucer technology on the drawing board as well, he added.

Marrs estimated the Illuminati are about 75% on their way to executing their plan of microchipping and controlling the world's population. Rather than a one-world government, he suggested it was in their interest to keep factions warring, and eventually we could see a North American Union, the European Union and an Asian Union battling each other, like the three superstates depicted in Orwell's 1984. Individuals can avoid this fate by educating themselves and fighting back, Marrs advised.

Sunspot Update

First hour guest, James McCanney commented on the lack of sunspots. There have been about 400 days with little or no sunspots, which is unusual for the current solar cycle, he reported. This could indicate a cooling trend on the sun.

Bumper Music

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