Lost Knowledge, Past Lives & ETs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lost Knowledge, Past Lives & ETs

About the show

Past-life regressionist Dolores Cannon discussed her recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge." She said she's developed her own hypnosis technique-- taking clients into the deepest level of trance-- into a kind of "universal consciousness." During this state, she gleans information from them about their past lives, ETs, and the metaphysical realms.

"Everything has consciousness," and people have lived previous lives vibrating at different frequencies as plants, rocks, and even air, she declared. The ETs involved in alien abductions are among the "archaic ones" who created mankind-- "they're monitoring humans over health and environmental concerns, Cannon said. Their original plan was to create a perfect species who could live forever, without disease, but a meteor hit Earth bringing bacteria and illness, she noted.

The ETs built underground cities deep below the earth, connected by tunnels, with the entrances underneath pyramids, Cannon continued. She also spoke about 2012 in terms of being a dimensional shift into "the New Earth," and touched on her work with Nostradamus. She believes she communicated across time with the great seer, who told her the future is not set in stone, but there are certain "nexus points" (an event or personality) that have to happen.

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Last Night

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