Space & CERN

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Space & CERN

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, Richard C. Hoagland joined George for a discussion on space exploration, Mars, and the CERN experiments. The recent ESA photographs of asteroid Steins, may reveal an object that is not actually an asteroid, Hoagland suggested, adding that some of the imagery might have been kept from the public.

The scientists seeking to recreate a Big Bang-like event on an atomic level at CERN are arrogant regarding the infallibility of their calculations-- it's possible that a mini-black hole could put Earth and humanity at risk, Hoagland commented.

The last hour featured Open Lines 'Sound Off' calls.

Note: Due to phone problems, Robert Bauval was rescheduled. Portions of a rebroadcast from 11/12/03 with Deepak Chopra were played during the second hour.

A Psychic's Work

First hour guest, psychic medium Marisa Ryan spoke about her communications with spirits of the deceased, and her work with the police department conveying information from a murder victim. She also shared some of her predictive intuitions-- she foresees a medium-sized tsunami to hit the Alaska area.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Channeling & Suicide
Channeling & Suicide
Parapsychologist and authority on channeling, Jon Klimo, discussed what happens in the afterlife to those who commit suicide. His information was gleaned from channelers that said they'd connected with departed souls who had died from suicides.


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