Invisible Creatures & Rainmaking

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Invisible Creatures & Rainmaking

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, author and historian Trevor James Constable discussed his work tracking the reality of huge, invisible flying creatures and his research into weather modification.

Constable detailed his initial discovery of invisible flying creatures in the 1950's, when he was visiting contactee George Van Tassel and was, himself, "extremely sensitive." During this encounter, Constable said he could feel the disturbances in the atmosphere created by these creatures, aimed his camera at them, and photographed the oddities. He alleged that these invisible entities were later captured on ultraviolet film by NASA in the infamous 1996 video release known as the "Tether Incident." Based on this footage, Constable surmised that "the whole of outer space is just crawling with these things."

He also talked about his research into weather modification, notably creating rain using what he called "a biological form of energy which conventional scientific people have not yet been able to master." He explained that this energy source is the same form of power that Wilhelm Reich called "orgone energy." Recalling his most productive experiment with rainmaking, Constable said that he'd generated 21 inches of rain over the course of 20 hours. According to him, the energy force used in his rainmaking experiments also serves as the propulsion method for both UFOs and the invisible creatures.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines 'Sound Off' calls.

Magnetic Reversals

First hour guest Robert Felix talked about his research into magnetic reversals. He suggested that these events may be the true source of evolutionary changes, as low magnetic field strength allows for increased cosmic waves which cause mutations. Contrary to the phenomenon's name, he said "it's more like a 'magnetic excursion' where the North Pole moves south and then it moves back and then it oscillates."

Bumper Music

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