The Second Sun

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Second Sun

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher Walter Cruttenden discussed ancient ideas about how our solar system could be tied to another star which may have influenced the rise and fall of civilizations here on Earth. A number of ancient cultures, such as the Greeks, were aware of the precession of the equinox, or the "Great Year," a vast 26,000 year cycle, which was said to alternate between Dark and Golden Ages.

Cruttenden has concluded that another sun, well outside our solar system, but much closer than what is believed to be our nearest star, influences the precession cycle. Our solar system, he said, moves around this great star, and over long periods of time, our ionosphere, magnetosphere and consciousness itself are altered from the interactions.

Billy Gibbons

Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top made a brief birthday appearance toward the start of the show.

Climate Update

Appearing during the first hour, researcher Robert Felix discussed the current climate, which he said is breaking records for cold. But, he noted that a new ice age could be brought about by bigger snowstorms rather than just cold weather.

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In the last hour, Lionel Fanthorpe joined the show to share some tales and take phone calls. He spoke about the Flannan Isle mystery, in which three lighthouse keepers disappeared together around 1900. Though legend has it these men were turned into seabirds, a giant wave, like a tsunami, may have washed them away, he said.

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