Infiltrating Hell's Angels

Hosted byIan Punnett

Infiltrating Hell's Angels

About the show

Jay "Bird" Dobyns spoke about his dangerous work as an undercover ATF agent. Dobyns said he created his undercover criminal persona over a period of 18 years through the use of 'street theaters' -- orchestrated plays with other undercover operatives who would pretend to exchange guns or drugs with him. With this experience, in 2001, the ATF asked him to infiltrate the infamous outlaw bike gang, Hell's Angels.

Dobyns described the group as a criminal organization made up of bikers with "PhDs in violence and intimidation." Their brutality was not reserved only for people outside of the club, as Dobyns explained what happens to members who leave in bad standing. There are numerous examples of former gang members getting their Hell's Angels tattoos forcibly removed by knife, hot clothes iron, and belt sander, he said. Among the worst are the 'Filthy Few,' made up of members who have committed or are prepared to commit extreme violence, including murder, on behalf of the club, Dobyns continued.

Dobyns was offered membership in Hell's Angels after convincing the group's leadership that he had 'killed' a rival Mongols Motorcycle Club member. He said his undercover work led to Federal arrests and search warrants, and the recovery of 600 guns and explosives. Dobyns also discussed how his time in Hell's Angels affected his personal life, as well as shared some of the threats he has received against himself and his family.

Chiles Updates

Researcher James Chiles appeared near the end of the first hour to provide updates on the recent satellite collision in space and the bankruptcy of Peanut Corporation of America.


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