Billy Meier's Contacts & Prophecies

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Billy Meier's Contacts & Prophecies

About the show

Representative for contactee Billy Meier, Michael Horn spoke about Meier's long standing communications with an ET group called the Plejarens, and the dire prophecies they shared with him. Horn also discussed Meier's UFO photos which he said skeptics have not been able to replicate.

Meier was purportedly given ET metal samples. One such sample, studied by scientist Marcel Vogel, was said to contain the rare earth element thulium and showed evidence of having crystalline structures inside the metal, Horn reported. He believes that Meier is the reincarnated spirit of such prophets as Elijah, Enoch and Mohammed. Prophetic writings, Meier was said to pen in 1958, included warnings of countries going bankrupt from fiscal irresponsibility, two wars with Iraq, and the disease AIDS.

Some of Meier's other prophecies include a 9.0 quake that will last for five minutes off the coast of Oregon, and a huge earthquake in San Francisco that will topple the Transamerica Pyramid. According to Horn, in 1978, witnesses such as Wendelle Stevens saw Meier's "photos taken in the future," which showed the aftermath of this San Francisco quake. Interestingly, the cars in the photos were said to be of a more rounded design than in the seventies, and didn't have rear view mirrors. Horn noted that some new car models are coming out that use cameras instead of mirrors, and he estimated this style could be commonplace 3-7 years from now.

Hoagland Analysis

First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland believes NASA is delaying the launch of the Shuttle because it's concerned that the debris cloud from the recent satellite crash could cause harm to the mission. Further, he suggested that the satellite incident wasn't an accident, and may be related to an earlier nuclear submarine collision.


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