Trilogy: Prophecies & Visions

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Trilogy: Prophecies & Visions

About the show

A trilogy of guests separately presented their visions, prophecies, and insights. Appearing in the second hour, Father Andrew Wingate offered his latest End Times-associated revelations. He sees a civil war coming soon in Mexico, which will lead America to place armed troops on the border. China & Russia are threats to the U.S., and there'll be an invasion on American soil, he said. A year after the invasion, Wingate continued, the Antichrist will meet with world leaders at the UN, and they'll all be assassinated, clearing the way for the Antichrist's takeover. Forced micro-chipping of the population will follow, he added.

In the third hour, visionary Halina Kacicki discussed her experiences with orbs and other phenomena. "We have been filming orbs and they've been appearing for many years," she said, describing one orb as a big opalescent bulb traveling through different rooms, hovering and scanning. "I would be told that 'we are here,' go out and look in the sky," and she would see spheres in different parts of the sky, based on the directions given to her. Kacicki also talked about her spiritual interactions with Padre Pio.

Psychic Gary Spivey joined the show in the final hour to talk about his visions and healing efforts. He said he's able to see the demonic world, which is organized in layers across different dimensions. Sometimes the whole planet can be attacked by dark energies, Spivey commented, though he claimed he can rid people of demonic influences through visualizing techniques such as working with a clockwise spiral of energy. He foresees a possible 6+ quake hitting Los Angeles in the near future, and Russia going through some catastrophic changes that could lead to aggression towards the U.S.

Economic Forecast

First hour guest, author and radio host Andre Eggelletion shared commentary on the economic crisis. The system has to be de-leveraged, and banks will make less profit in the near term, he said. We can expect to see liquidity unfreeze later in the year, along with a rally, though inflation will take hold in the 4th quarter, he noted.


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Check out psychic Gary Spivey's video clip Hairvoyant for a sampling of his interactions and TV appearances.

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