UFO Disclosure & Programmed Reality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFO Disclosure & Programmed Reality

About the show

In the first half of the show, researcher Grant Cameron and activist Stephen Bassett discussed the UFO disclosure movement, and US presidents and their knowledge of UFOs/ETs. Bassett announced that Cameron's forthcoming book, U.S. Presidents and UFOs: The Untold Story, has been picked by a New York publisher, Overlook Press.
Cameron gave a rundown on what various presidents may have known about UFOs. Here is a sampling:

  • Truman-- was involved with the Roswell Incident, had the most control of all the presidents in terms of keeping secrets.
  • Eisenhower-- possible ET meeting in '54.
  • LBJ-- may have had meetings about the Kecksburg Crash.
  • Nixon-- reportedly showed alien bodies to Jackie Gleason. Carter-- had his own UFO sighting; helped to open the door for Freedom of Information documents.
  • Reagan-- made references to aliens in his speeches, and confirmed ETs to Steven Spielberg.

Bassett spoke about the upcoming X-Conference, he is hosting in the Washington DC area on April 17-19th. Highlights include appearances by George Noory, Edgar Mitchell, & Graham Hancock and a debate between Bassett and Col. John Alexander.


In the second half of the show, scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge presented the theory of a programmed reality of the universe. Everything we perceive could be under programmed control, with our thoughts and intents monitored and generated by a computational mechanism, he said. Theories of this type have been proposed by philosophers, physicists, and sci-fi authors over the years, he noted, but as technology such as video games and virtual reality becomes more and more lifelike, we are seeing how this notion might be probable.

The programmers of our reality could in fact be humans from the future who've been able to create advanced simulations, he said. Other possibilities include an AI-generated reality like in The Matrix, or an alien civilization's program that occasionally reveals its own artifacts. Such artifacts might be UFOs, or the anomalous archeology findings Michael Cremo has written about, he suggested.

Paranormal phenomena such as telepathy and clairvoyance could tie in with the notion of the Akashic Records, where all future and past events can be accessed. "From a programmed reality standpoint, the Akashic field is just a data bank of the computer," he explained.


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