The Antichrist & Prophecy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Antichrist & Prophecy

About the show

Television producer and theologian Patrick Heron discussed his work researching references to the Antichrist in the Bible, including how it relates to fallen angels, the United States, and prophecy. The Antichrist is referred to in the Book of Revelation as the Beast who ascends from the Abyss, with seven heads and 10 horns. This biblical language is metaphorical, he said, with the heads representing seven kings or heads of state, and the horns, 10 super nation-states that will eventually coalesce around the Antichrist. We are seeing preparations for this consolidation now, with the rise of the New World Order, he said.

Heron shared details about what we can expect from the Antichrist:

  • He's a man who'll present himself as the Messiah, lying with "signs & wonders."
  • At some point, he'll die and then be raised from the dead-- but it'll be a "counterfeit resurrection."
  • He'll broker a peace deal between Arab nations and Israel.
  • His "sidekick," the False Prophet, will make people bow down to the image of the Antichrist.

Heron's interpretation of prophecy in Revelation points to the United States as being an important location for the Antichrist, and in particular, New York City. Further, he said the Antichrist is actually named as the ancient god Apollo.

Mars Update

First hour guest, C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about a report that Mars landers may have destroyed signs of life in soil sample testing, toasting them by mistake.


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