Chupacabras & Florida Cryptids

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Chupacabras & Florida Cryptids

About the show

Cryptozoology instructor at Florida Keys Community College, Scott Marlowe and his special guests discussed various sightings of cryptids including the Florida Swamp Ape, the Chupacabras, and other unexplained or unusual creatures. In Florida, there have been numerous sightings of the Swamp Ape, a bipedal, furry, "man-ape," that can range from 7-10 ft. in height. Marlowe, who said he once saw such a creature, believes Swamp Apes are distinct from what is called Bigfoot in other parts of the country. Joining in the discussion on Swamp Apes, Marlowe's associate Robert Robinson speculated there could be a colony of these primates living in Florida.

In the segment on the Chupacabras, Marlowe was joined by Ed Craft, who has done extensive research on the legendary creatures. Craft pointed out there are generally two different types classified as Chupacabras-- the original alien-like critters with red eyes and porcupine-like quills seen in Puerto Rico that sucked the blood of chickens and goats, and more recent cases in the American Southwest which were found to be coyote or coyote hybrids with mange. There's a base in Puerto Rico where secret experiments might have yielded anomalous biological entities (A.B.E.) such as the Chupacabras, who could have escaped into the forests there, Marlowe and Craft theorized.

Biologist and cryptozoologist Lisa Wojcik talked about her study of jaguarundis, felines sometimes called "otter cats," that have been spotted in Florida even though they are not native to the area.

Habitats Beyond Earth

First hour guest, lecturer and physicist Dr. Basil Singer talked about habitats for humans, beyond Earth. In the next 20 years, we could have a small habitat on Mars and within 50-100 years we might have a colony there, he estimated. To get a feel for what would life would be like on Saturn's icy moon Titan, he spent time in NASA's "Vomit Comet," and walked in a heavy space suit.

Intriguingly, he suggested that humans might be able to live on Venus by setting up habitats in the dense clouds there. Singer is hosting the six-part series Exodus Earth on the Science Channel that further explores this topic.


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Image credit: G. Di Achille, University of Colorado

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