Embarrassing Moments

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Embarrassing Moments

About the show

During Open Lines, George offered a special topic line for callers who wanted to share their most embarrassing moments. Steve from Minnesota recalled an awkward incident at a women's boutique several years ago. Steve said it all began when his girlfriend picked him up from a softball tournament and, in her haste, had forgotten to bring him underwear with his change of clothes. The two continued on to a mall store, Steven explained, where he said women were walking by and staring at him in disgust. Steve soon discovered that, in his haste to get dressed, he had forgotten to zip up his fly.

John, also in the "Land of 10000 Lakes," told George he had recently taken his friend's new car to the post office. After picking up a package, John said he accidentally got into someone else's vehicle to drive off. Fortunately, his senses returned before he left the lot. Rodney in Nebraska, however, claims that he actually made it home from Wal-mart before realizing he had taken someone else's car. (Apparently his car keys worked in that car, too?) Rodney said he quickly returned the car to the parking lot then found his own vehicle.

Tim in Hawaii remembered going on a blind date shortly after the Army had removed his teeth and given him a set of dentures. Tim said he and his date were at a drive-in movie theater when an unexpected sneeze sent his new dentures flying to the floorboard of the back seat. David from Ontario said he was stopped at a traffic intersection with his girlfriend when an unusual car noise caused him to open his door and lean out to investigate. According to David, his hand slipped off the steering wheel, he fell out, and the car took off with his girlfriend alone in the passenger seat. The car eventually stopped when it collided with a traffic light, David added.

The final half-hour featured part of George's past interview with author L. A. Marzulli, who delved into his investigation of the Mothman sightings.

"Dead man... we got a dead man walking here."

In the first hour, George welcomed actor Doug Hutchison, perhaps best known for his role as corrections officer Percy 'Dead man walking' Wetmore in The Green Mile. Hutchison spoke briefly about his television work, playing such memorable characters as DHARMA Initiative leader Horace Goodspeed on ABC's "Lost," and the liver-eating serial killer Eugene Victor Tooms on "The X-Files." Hutchison discussed his new adult-oriented web series about vampire hunters as well, and George played part of the Yuh–uh–uh–uh's song, "Vampire Chickens," which features Hutchison on vocals and guitar.


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