Aliens, Fallen Angels, & Inner Earth

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Aliens, Fallen Angels, & Inner Earth

About the show

Ordained minister and UFO researcher Jim Wilhelmsen discussed his work with alien abductees, whom he counsels from a biblical perspective. He also shared his belief that UFOs are part of end-times deception, and the technology for them was developed by Nazis through occult practices to communicate with fallen angels. Aliens are essentially the same as fallen angels, and come in two types-- demons or disembodied spirits, and those that can appear in physical form, he suggested, adding that these beings have no goodwill toward mankind.

"The Bible taught that there's holes at the poles, that there's an Inner Earth, and two different chambers," Wilhelmsen contended, noting that many abductees describe being held in an inner domain, rather than in outer space. Further, the Nazis reported the discovery of the Hollow Earth near Antarctica in 1938, and many of their scientists and equipment may have been brought there after the war, he said.

Some abductees don't view the aliens as a threat, but they are being flattered and seduced by them in a kind of Stockholm Syndrome, he commented. Wilhelmsen believes that these fallen angels or Nephilim walk among us, and have infiltrated all levels of society. They are steering and leading us into a "one world government" and "one world religion," as part of a global conspiracy, he stated.

Psychic Update

First hour guest, psychic Joseph Jacobs said September 2009 is going to be a tough month, and we could see major explosions related to military or militants. Mercury has just gone retrograde so we can expect to see more mechanical difficulties than usual, he noted. Jacobs also mentioned that he's had success with taking apple cider vinegar to fend off colds and stay healthy.

Space Station Replay

The last half-hour of the show featured a replay of George's interview with two International Space Station astronauts from 3/16/04.


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The first Sunday of every month, George Noory is featuring emerging artists for some of the Bumper Music selections. On the 9/6/09 we heard from Brent Laidler, Jamie Adams, Shasta, Andrea Orlen, Ellen Wilson, Double Helix, and Third Wheel Neil. For more info on how to submit your original music, visit this page.

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