Real Vampires and Time Shifts

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Real Vampires and Time Shifts

About the show

During the first half of the show, researcher & experiencer Starfire Tor talked about time shifts, and her unified theory of psi. The theory posits that all psi & paranormal phenomena come from the same source or field. This field also incorporates time shifts-- "an astounding phenomenon in which our perceived reality and the timelines are just constantly being restructured," she said. Alternate versions of the timeline can coexist in different frequencies, and time slips occur when people become aware of odd changes, such as being sure that a certain person is dead, only to find out they're alive, she explained.

Whitley & Anne Strieber joined Starfire for a segment to discuss an unusual time slip episode they had when first meeting her. The Striebers and Starfire Tor will be giving presentations along with William Henry at the upcoming Dreamland Stargate Experience at Joshua Tree in October.


In the latter half of the show, paranormal expert Brad Steiger discussed real vampires, stalkers and creatures of the dark. While the legend of the vampire has been made into something glamorous and seductive by Hollywood, the reality is much harsher and uglier, he noted. Vampiric lore dates all the way back to Lilith, a demon written about in early Jewish texts, who was associated with succubi and incubi. The ancient Jews used skulls and magic to drive away the sons and daughters of Lilith, he detailed.

Real life vampires, as opposed to members of the modern day vampire subculture, can commit heinous acts of violence and horror. Steiger suggested that some of these individuals may be possessed by evil parasitic spirit entities that feed on them, and control their behavior. Various vices and addictions can act as an invitation for these beings to come through, he cautioned.

Steiger also mentioned a connection to vampirism and UFOs-- in South America, numerous witnesses describe the UFO occupants as vampire-like entities. The chupacabras, he added, may be an animal that is possessed by one of the parasitic forces.

Alex Jones Update

First half-hour guest, radio host Alex Jones commented on misunderstandings regarding a fictitious Charlie Sheen/Pres. Obama interview posted on his site.


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Brad Steiger sent us a set of illustrations and captions to accompany his presentation on the 9/09/09 show. In the triptych (images created by Ricardo Pustanio), from left to right:

  1. Real Vampires--spirit mimics, multidimensional beings, the fallen angels, the Ahrimanes, the Jinn--walk always among us, striving to seduce us into their cause of earthly domination and control.
  1. Although most of the strange black-eyed boys appear to be in their early to mid teens, some are much younger and seek to appeal to homeowners taken in by their apparent helplessness and need for shelter.
  1. In some Romanian villages, when there is evidence that a member of the undead has clawed out of his coffin at night, the vampire slayers go into action.

2nd Illustration (created by Bill Oliver): Perhaps the true identity of the UFO occupants are the multidimensional entities who inhabit the space between the space between Earth and the fixed stars. These Space Vampires have for centuries had as their goal the total enslavement of humankind.

Click on the pics to view larger.

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