Global Threats & Roswell Confessions

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Global Threats & Roswell Confessions

About the show

In the first half of the show, George Knapp welcomed Col. John Alexander for a discussion on interconnecting global threats and problems facing America. In terms of the conflict with Afghanistan, he said the US was hampered by treating it as a "nation state" when it was more of a tribal reality with competing ethnic/religious factions. He also pointed out that private contractors were increasingly being used by the US to wage their wars. Drugs are the #1 funding source for terrorism, he noted, describing a pathway that stretched from the Middle East to Spain to Paraguay to Mexico to America.

The American economy is in dire straits with the national debt approaching $12 trillion and a widening inequity between the wealthy and everyone else, Alexander said. The top 1% have more wealth than the bottom 95% combined, he added. The technological superiority of the United States is also dissipating, with Asia in ascension, because of their higher values placed on education, he commented.


UFO investigator Don Schmitt shared deathbed confessions, witness testimony and other evidence related to the 1947 Roswell Incident, in the latter half of the program. He characterized Roswell as the "ultimate cold case," and has approached it like a criminal investigation. One witness who came forward was Sgt. Earl Fulford, who was part of the recovery team after the crash. He described picking up debris that crumpled in his hand but then returned to its shape and size. It's possible that this material was related to an assignment Wright Patterson AFB gave to the Battelle Institute in 1948 to develop a "self-healing" metal. The special project created the new alloy "Nitinol," Schmitt detailed.

He also talked about Walter Haut's deathbed statement, which he helped to elicit. Though Haut was threatened by different sources to remain quiet, he acknowledged that a temporary morgue had been set up at the Roswell base after the crash, and that he saw an egg-shaped craft and dead bodies (the size of children but with large heads) inside the 'Big Hanger.'


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Astronaut Needed (Northern Alberta)

(An ad posted on Craigslist, dated 10-12-09, since pulled from their site)

Astronaut needed for experimental flight to Titan. I have been working on this project now for near 40 years and am afraid I'm no longer fit enough to go.

My secret space craft is the result of my professional experience and imagination while serving the U.S. military in advanced aeronautics as a scientist.

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Must be:

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-mentally sound.

-over the age of 18.

-a dreamer.

-a believer.

-not afraid of heights.

-not afraid of extreme conditions such as speed, pressure, heat, etc.


-no taller than 5'10 and relatively slim.

-good eye-sight & hearing.

-manual dexterity (although the craft is largely cpu controlled).

-OK in cramped conditions for long periods of time.

Location: Northern Alberta

Compensation: $25,000 CASH.

This is a contract job.

Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

Please, no phone calls about this job!

Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

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