Economic Exposé

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Economic Exposé

About the show

Analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig B. Hulet discussed how the banking bailouts were put in place by a "thugocracy" that has set the stage for a global financial system that excludes the United States. The thugocracy is composed of a group of banks that have acted like extortionists on an unprecedented scale, he commented. The President doesn't have the power "to stop the global regime of economic interdependence," which is how this group refers to itself. "I call them a medieval corporate regime that's hi-tech. It's a monstrosity that the world's never seen and because of technology, it's going to make our lives an absolute hell" and we'll have no civil rights left, he exclaimed.

A whole new system of governance is in the works, and the US is not going to be part of it, he continued. Hulet outlined how credit card companies are reducing or removing Americans' credit lines-- this will be completed by July 2010, and people will be forced to save money instead. This money, he detailed, will be used for loans and investments in new markets like China. US companies are continuing to move offshore, and 40% of all trade is now between international corporations rather than nations, he added.

Hulet also talked about geopolitics including terrorism, conflicts in the Middle East, and the 9-11 attacks. There was covered-up intelligence evidence that "nation states" (possibly including Saudi Arabia) were involved in setting up the attacks, he noted.

Magnetic Reversals & Evolution

In the last hour, researcher Robert Felix talked about how magnetic reversals, which have occurred frequently over the epochs, have been associated with both extinctions, and the arrival of new species. The most recent reversal was 11,500 years ago when a mini-Ice Age began and the mammoth went extinct, he said.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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