Global Upheaval & Strange Creatures

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Global Upheaval & Strange Creatures

About the show

Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed a variety of topics including the global implications of the pneumonic plague in Ukraine, the precarious economic situation, the dangers of the volcano Anak Krakatoa in Indonesia and the CERN collider, as well as strange creatures and giants. The current virus hitting Ukraine, appears to be more deadly than Swine Flu and shows evidence of being a genetically created mutation, he declared. The "elitists" hold the world's population in contempt and have created ethnically or geographically targeted bioweapons to wipe out large numbers of people, and possibly replace them with "transgenic beings," he added.

Quayle also commented on the recent death of a young Canadian chemistry professor who had been studying H1NI and was said to die of the virus. He suggested that his death might be tied into the mysterious deaths of microbiologists and scientists (list) that has been going on for some time. The financial system is ready to be "crashed on cue," and could be replaced by a new monetary currency like the Amero, he warned.

Quayle gave an update on his research into giants, noting that Israel and Egypt have many skeletons of giants, but the U.S. has asked them to hush up the evidence. He also recounted a report of "cave demons" in Afghanistan, where a 9ft. tall demon with the face of a woman was said to tear through a military contingent of 10 men. The incident (video clip) was recreated on Animal Planet's program Lost Tapes. For more on the topics he discussed, see this page of links he set up.

Health Update

Last hour guest, author Christian Wilde presented an update on health issues. Turmeric continues to show anti-inflammatory properties that may inhibit the growth of cancer, he reported, adding that when Bioperine is added to turmeric it increases the body's ability to absorb it. He also spoke about new studies that show the effectiveness of Vitamin D supplements.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Natural Remedies / Appalachian Folklore
Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's ability to achieve healing through natural remedies and supplements. Followed by author Mark Muncy on Appalachian folklore, cryptids, and eerie legends.


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