Alien Photos, Other Realms, & Tarot

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Photos, Other Realms, & Tarot

About the show

In latter of the half of the program, investigator Joshua P. Warren talked about the photos of a small alien-appearing creature that was killed by a rancher in Mexico. While he conceded it could be a hoax, with someone shaving a small animal such as a monkey, he also was open at this point to other explanations. One theory posits that the creature is a hybrid cloned by nefarious agencies in order to instill public fear.

A Spanish-language video has been posted on the They Don't See Through Us blog, showing some of the images of the alien creature, along with investigator Jaime Maussan's report.

Warren also talked about his study of purported UFO debris from Roswell, and his new laboratory in which he hopes to open up portals, and emulate conditions related to paranormal phenomena.

Tarot Readings

First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about his use of Tarot cards for divination purposes, and used a three-card spread to give short readings for callers.

Other Realms

In the second hour, visionary and author Stuart Wilde discussed his latest work on reincarnation, magical animals, the hell worlds & poisonous people. He described his visits to the "Aluna" and "Morph" worlds-- inner realms that he accesses in a trance state. In the hell worlds, he said he encounters demonic fractal beings with human faces that spit and fire pulses out at you. He also described "manimals," creatures that are half human and half animal.

Wilde said in some earthly situations, such as on a bus, he's witnessed "poisonous people" that transmit negative energies to others. Spread like the "tentacles of an octopus," these toxic energies can degrade, upset, or depress a person, he noted.

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