Live Aboard the Haunted Queen Mary

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Live Aboard the Haunted Queen Mary


  • Wlodarksi: Tate House & Ambassador Hotel
  • Hollywood Ghost Hunters' Investigations
  • Wheelock: EVPs & Orbs
  • Frost: Attached Entities
  • About the show

    George Noory hosted a live remote aboard the haunted Queen Mary, as part of GhostFest Expo 4. In the first hour, Rob Wlodarksi, who co-authored a book on Queen Mary Ghosts with his wife Anne, spoke about his work as a paranormal researcher and some of the cases he has investigated. Wlodarksi said every time he has been aboard the Queen Mary something strange has happened. He also detailed some frightening experiences that occurred while he was investigating the Sharon Tate house, site of the Charles Manson murders, and the Ambassador Hotel in Hollywood, California. At both locations a person on the team was possessed, Wlodarksi noted, adding that the Ambassador Hotel possession was likely caused by provoking spirits with a Ouija board.

    George welcomed actor R.A. Mihailoff and stuntman Rick McCallum of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters in the second hour. Mihailoff, best known for his role as Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, talked about portraying murderous characters in movies, as well as his own investigation of the Tate house. According to Mihailoff, his K2 Meter (EMF detector) lit up as soon as he asked spirits in the house if they were still in pain. McCallum recalled the time he helped one of The Harley Twins get rid of a shadowy being that haunted her bedroom, and admitted that he currently shares his apartment with a demonic entity. He warned would-be ghost hunters to take the job seriously, as spirits can be provoked and do follow people back to their homes.

    In the third hour, George was joined by psychic Erika Frost and ghost hunter Pat Wheelock. Frost, who had just returned from guiding a paranormal tour of the Queen Mary, said her group encountered a playful spirit named John while they were in the boiler room. Wheelock discussed his examination of the equipment used for paranormal investigations, as well as what he thinks is happening when audio recorders pick up EVPs. He believes spirits are somehow utilizing the microphone to transfer their electromagnetic energy. Wheelock also suggested beginning ghost hunters can start their investigations rather inexpensively by getting a disposable camera, microcassette recorder, and a pencil and paper.

    The last hour of the program was a replay of the third hour from 10/5/09, featuring journalist and ghost hunter Jeff Belanger.

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