Bosnian Pyramid & New Physics

Hosted byRob Simone

Bosnian Pyramid & New Physics


  • Semir: Bosnian Pyramid
  • Semir: Testing of Anomalies
  • Consciousness & Effects of Pyramids
  • About the show

    Guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed David Wilcock for his analysis of the Bosnian Pyramid (video clips) and other ancient monuments, as well as his new physics theory of how they were built by "altering" matter. There is a prevalence of ancient structures around the world aligned on the same grid, he said, citing such examples as the 1,776 pyramids on the Philippines' Chocolate Hills, the earthen mounds built by the Mound Builders in the United States, and the lost pyramids of Italy. Pyramids have also been discovered in China, but the government there has been secretive about them, he added.

    There are anomalous and healthful benefits from pyramids, said Wilcock, noting they have been associated with reducing radioactivity, and in Russia, where a pyramid was built, the arid land around the structure became more verdant, including the growth of ferns that were thought to be extinct. Pyramids' effects are connected to gravity, which is pushing down from the sky, he explained. "Gravity is a river of energy flowing into the Earth...and that energy can then be harnessed by building a funnel-like shape," causing gravity's fluid energy to swirl and create a vortex current, he continued.

    As to the mystery of how some of the great pyramidal structures were built, Wilcock theorized that a frequency and vibration technology was used to alter the stone blocks' molecular structure, so they would become softer and lighter to move. He also addressed climate change happening in the solar system, on such planets as Saturn, Venus, and Mars, as well as how the Maya may have been tracking in their calendars, the times when astrophysical portals were opening.


    First hour guest, Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D., the discoverer of the ancient pyramidal complex in Bosnia, discussed unique aspects to the structures. The Pyramid of the Sun, with outside walls made of concrete blocks, is the largest stone structure in a pyramidal shape on the planet-- some 700 ft. high, he noted. Ancient underground tunnels connect all the pyramids at the site, and blocks found there had carved Runic symbols. He also reported on experiments which showed that an ultrasound energy beam was associated with the pyramid.


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    Tonight's guest host Rob Simone (email) is an award-winning media personality and accomplished TV and radio host. In addition, Rob has authored 2 books, and is a featured writer for FATE magazine. After being a devout listener of Coast to Coast AM in the 90's Rob Simone traveled around the world through 27 countries exploring mysterious and sacred places and the unexplained phenomena that surrounds them.

    Rob has hosted radio shows in Australia, Kathmandu, Nepal on HBC FM and currently hosts a top-rated talk show on 104.4 FM London, where he interviews the most interesting people on the planet. Rob is Executive Director of Universal Sound and Light Productions and has been featured on Japan's Nippon TV, China's CCTV and recently on the 2-hour History Channel program "Decoding The Past."

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