Metaphysics, Contacts, & Cetaceans

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Metaphysics, Contacts, & Cetaceans


  • ET Contacts & Reality Matrix
  • Cetaceans & Contact
  • Crystal Skulls & Atlantis
  • About the show

    Author, contactee, and international speaker Patricia Cori shared her metaphysical interpretations about the universe, cetaceans such as dolphins and whales, Atlantis, and humanity's path. "My perception is the life that we're in now, this physical reality, is like a tube, and we come in as light beings, like full spirits...we go through this tube of 3D illusion...and then we pass back out [upon death] and return to light...source," she explained, adding that as spirit becomes more evolved, it becomes less dense.

    Humans are multidimensional beings, she said, citing as an example the dream state, in which we experience another plane of reality. In addition to ongoing ET disclosure, she interestingly suggested that cetaceans "are going to be recognized as conscious people," and have higher levels of consciousness and compassion than humans, and communicate with ETs who are in underwater craft. Regarding ancient Atlantis (which she said part of is now in the Azores), the 13 original crystal skulls were united to form a galactic computer there.

    She also touched on her channeled communications with Sirian beings on the "6th dimension," who shared a message for humanity with her-- that we are galactic citizens and our time of being alone is coming to an end. Cori also expounded on such topics as immortality, crop circles, and 2012 (which she does not believe is an Armageddon scenario).

    Gun Laws

    First hour guest, research scientist John Lott criticized the push for more restrictive gun laws in the wake of the Arizona shooting. A plan to ban the size of ammunition clips has been proposed, but there's no evidence such a ban would do anything to reduce crime, he commented. He also noted that one of the people who tackled the Arizona shooter was legally carrying a concealed handgun, and this emboldened his life-saving actions.

    News segment guest: Katherine Albrecht

    Bumper Music