San Pedro Haunting Case

Hosted byGeorge Noory

San Pedro Haunting Case


  • San Pedro Haunting, Part I
  • San Pedro Haunting, Part II
  • Visited by an Angel
  • About the show

    In the first half of the program, producer, cameraman and writer, Barry Conrad, shared details from his 1989 investigation of a supposed haunted house located in San Pedro, California. He said the resident, Jackie Hernandez, claimed to have witnessed strange noises and balls of light, as well as an apparition of an old decaying man in her children's bedroom, and a disembodied head floating towards her in the attic crawl space. She also maintained that an unseen ghostly force pinned her down to the floor against her will, and a mysterious liquid (later determined to be human blood plasma) oozed out of the wall cabinets, Conrad added.

    The small group of paranormal researchers examining the Hernandez home included Conrad's friend, a photographer and skeptic named Jeff Wheatcraft. According to Conrad, Wheatcraft was snapping pictures in the attic when something inexplicably pulled the camera from out of his hands. On another occasion, Conrad described seeing an orange-red orb of light and hearing three snapping sounds, followed by groan from the attic. At that same moment, Wheatcraft, who was once again exploring the crawl space, was purportedly knocked down and nearly hanged by a cord that had wrapped itself around his neck. Conrad believes an entity in the attic was trying to kill his friend.

    Fifteen years after Hernandez moved out, another family experienced an unusual occurrence in that house when they awoke one morning to find their dishes and utensils stacked neatly on the ground in the kitchen, Conrad explained. Hernandez herself did not escape whatever was in her former home, as it apparently followed her whenever she moved, he noted. Conrad also reported on two other bizarre cases, one at the Villisca House in Iowa, where eight people were killed by an axe murderer in 1912, and another at an old morgue in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where he saw a hanging board apparently defy the laws of physics by swinging back and forth for 70 minutes.

    Open Lines

    During Open Lines, several callers phoned in to talk about the earthquake that hit Japan and to voice their opinions on the safety of nuclear reactors in light of the Fukushima disaster. Justine in Babylon, New York, suggested the quake may have been triggered by an organization, as a possible act of retribution against Japan. Darren from California, cited the need for back-up cooling systems at nuclear power plants. David in Arizona recalled growing up near the Savannah River Site nuclear facility. David said he awoke one morning to find his dog dead, his mother's feet burned, and an immense field of watermelons turned black. Other interesting calls included Gary from Morgantown, West Virginia, who told George about the time he was visited by an angel in the hospital, and Jeffrey in Canada, who bumped into a woman he had saved from choking when she was only four years old.

    News segment guests: Jim Berkland, Richard C. Hoagland



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