Investigating Roswell

Hosted byRob Simone

Investigating Roswell

About the show

Guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed experts in the Roswell UFO crash, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, who discussed why the recent explanations of the Roswell crash ignore decades of evidence, played clips from key witnesses to the infamous event, and provided an update on their excavations of the crash site. Responding to Annie Jacobsen's book, Area 51, which alleges that the Roswell crash was the result of an attempt by the Soviets to cause mass panic in the United States, Schmitt declared that, based on his research, this claim has "no truth whatsoever." To that end, he surmised that Jacobson's source was merely "someone who tossed out a tall tale." Additionally, Carey was bemused by the relative ease with which Jacobson "solved" the Roswell case. "Don and I kind of chuckle when we see people who think they can go out to Roswell and solve the case in a weekend," he said, noting that the pair have spent decades investigating the event.

Over the course of the evening, Schmitt and Carey played a number of audio clips from interviews with either witnesses to the Roswell crash or family members of those witnesses, who had confided details of event to them. One particularly chilling clip featured the granddaughter of a local sheriff who had been threatened into silence. The woman recalled being told that her grandfather had gone out to the crash site and saw not only debris, but also alien bodies. Following the event, she said, military police told her grandparents that, if they "talked about it in any way," the entire family would be killed. This extreme attempt to maintain silence, Schmitt observed, reflected the government's perspective that "the biggest dilemma happened to be the civilians involved," since military personnel could be kept quiet via orders from their superiors.

Providing an update on their ongoing attempts to excavate the area of the alleged UFO crash, Carey recalled some of the details surrounding their 2002 dig. He explained that the hope had been to uncover some rodent burrows where the creatures may have taken some of the debris into their nests. While this experiment proved fruitless, he conceded that they'd only managed to dig in about 10% of the crash site and did "find evidence of a gouge," likely from the 1947 event. He also revealed that they have plans for a second dig which will focus on outlying areas, where the wind may have swept debris. "Yes, it's a needle in a haystack," he mused, "but it's work that has to be done and we intend to do it."

Bee Epidemic

During the first hour, filmmaker George Langworthy talked about his new documentary, Vanishing of the Bees. Based on the attributes of colony collapse disorder, he pointed to pesticides as the most likely cause of the ongoing bee epidemic, rather than other suspects such as cell phones, chemtrails, or mites. He explained that these "sub-lethal" pesticides are designed to disorient and undermine the overall health of insects rather than outright killing them, which would explain some of the more mysterious aspects of the epidemic such as mass disappearances of the bees. Ultimately, Langworthy said that one of the key goals of the film is to raise awareness to this growing problem and encourage people to cease using these potentially dangerous pesticides which he believes have not been fully investigated by the EPA.

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