Ancient Cycles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ancient Cycles

About the show

Appearing during the second hour, theoretical archaeo-astronomer Walter Cruttenden discussed how our solar system may be tied to another star which has influenced the rise and fall of civilizations. It may be very common for stars to be in binary systems, and if our whole solar system is in orbit around a companion star, "it might explain all this distant folklore about the cycle of the ages," dark and golden periods talked about by over 40 different cultures, he said. Cruttenden spoke about sophisticated technology from the BC era, including some evidence we don't completely understand like the terra preta soil of the Amazon, and the Avebury stone circle.

Author/lecturer Joseph Selbie joined the show in the latter half, for a discussion about the "Cycle of the Yugas," an ancient timeline that describes how we are transitioning from a low energy to a higher energy phase, over a 24,000 year period. It's believed the Yugas are tied to the cycle of precession of the equinoxes, and that "the Earth...becomes exposed to some sort of influence from outside the solar system that causes this rise and fall...The closer we get to the galactic center, the higher the age," he detailed.

According to the theory of the Yugas, around 1700 AD, we entered into a 200 year transition into a new cycle, where humankind became more aware of energy, as well as psychic and intuitive abilities. Selbie also talked about how the Great Pyramid was built during a transition from a mental age to an energy age, and was designed to concentrate and expand consciousness.

Elvis in Life & Death

On the 34th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death, first hour guests, authors Patrick Lacy and R. Gary Patterson talked about the singer's legacy, his downfall, and rumors that he faked his death. While both believe that Elvis did die in 1977, Lacy recounted how a psychiatrist named Dr. Donald Hinton claims he's treated Presley for decades, who's been living in seclusion under the name of Jesse.

News segment guests: Andre Eggelletion, Rick Johnson, Seth Shostak


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A 1990 video documentary The Elvis Files explores the idea that Elvis Presley faked his death in 1977. One of the interviews is with Elvis' first-cousin, Gene Smith, who attended the funeral and said the body lying in state wasn't Elvis. View a clip posted on YouTube.

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