Alien Abduction Special

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Abduction Special

About the show

Artist and photographer Kim Carlsberg discussed her first conscious alien abduction, the nature of the extraterrestrials who took her, the hybrid children resulting from the abductions, and the military bases where she was taken. Her experiences began in 1988 with a vivid UFO sighting in Malibu. Her first abduction followed, where she found herself paralyzed inside an elevator, and receiving telepathic information. She was taken into a huge room with hundreds of tables, with unconscious human beings on them. She described the aliens who were conducting tests as looking like "anorexic Pillsbury Doughboys,"-- about 3 and a half feet tall with big heads, and big eyes.

The aliens have been extracting human DNA to create hybrids, Carlsberg explained. "I believe some of them [the hybrids] are already here...I've met many of my hybrid children and they are exceptional beings. They are so superior to the greys and the humans in so many ways, because they've got the best of both worlds," she revealed. While some abductions can be brutal and frightening, she believes the ETs are here to help us evolve. She also described military involvement in some of her abductions, as well as experiencing disturbing military interrogations after some of her ET encounters.

During the third hour, three special guests whose stories are featured in Carlsberg's book, The Art of Close Encounters, spoke about their personal experiences. First, Travis Walton shared his account of his UFO abduction in 1975. He speculated that the beam of light that hit him from the UFO caused a neurological disruption that may have prevented the aliens from initially controlling him. Next, Robert Miles detailed his positive encounter with a beautiful woman who emerged from a UFO in Hawaii. She assisted him in teleporting to an alternate reality LaGuardia Airport where he purchased a ticket for a flight to Jupiter, he recalled. Miriam Delicado talked about how her ET contacts led her on a transformative personal journey related to prophecy and earth changes. Carlsberg returned in the last hour to take calls.

Alien Mysteries

First hour guest, author Brad Steiger talked about the strange mystery of alien visitation. Phenomena have been reported since ancient times, but we don't know if it's extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional, or supernatural in nature, he pointed out. He also spoke about a strange object that orbited near the moon and reportedly broadcast an alien message. The object was said to be "parked" there some 13,000 years ago.

News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Peter Davenport


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Brad Steiger sent in several illustrations to accompany his first hour discussion of space beings. In the first image, Alien UN Speech, he asks: "Is an address to the United Nations by alien intelligence in our future? Or has it already occurred?" The second image (left): "Sightings of alien beings associated with fiery chariots and signs in the skies are reported in the Holy Books of all religions." Right: "Many contactees and abductees have reported seeing what they believe to be hybrid alien-human babies. Others believe that such hybrids have walked among us for centuries."

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Bumper Music

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