Light Speed Communications / Spontaneous Combustion

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Light Speed Communications / Spontaneous Combustion


  • Sereda: Radio Signals & Messages
  • Arnold: SHC Cases
  • Arnold: Bentley Case
  • About the show

    In the first half, scientist, filmmaker, and mystic ecologist David Sereda talked about his development of a faster than light speed radio communications device that he used to talk to a distant star system. The recent scientific news that neutrinos can move at faster than light speeds correlates with his device, as well as experiments with entanglement, he noted. In August of 2010, he sent his first transmission to the Pleiades star system some 444 light years away, and claimed he received a loud telepathic voice response that woke him out of bed.

    One year later he transmitted a new set of questions to the same coordinates about earth changes, comet Elenin, and a request for the ETs to make an appearance in Arizona. The next day, Sereda said a mysterious timed signal appeared for the first time in the magnetic spectrum and lasted one day in Sedona, AZ, and was then followed by a strange series of earthquakes that rattled from Colorado to Virginia. He also offered to send questions of George's via his device to his Pleiadian contacts. Further, Sereda said he witnessed a 7-8 ft. tall "space age-looking woman" pointing a device at his daughter, and conjectured that his communications might have opened up a portal.


    In the latter half, researcher Larry Arnold reported on cases of spontaneous human combustion (SHC)-- inexplicable incidents where people can smoke, blister or otherwise burn in absence of contact with a known ignition source or burn agent. He recounted some of the most remarkable cases such as that of Mary Reeser, a Florida woman who, in 1951, was found reduced to a pile of ash, but the room she was in suffered little damage, as well as that of Dr. John Bentley, which yielded an astonishing photo.

    In a case from the UK involving a man named Robert Bailey, Fire Brigade Commander Jack Stacey described the victim as having a blue flame "emanating from a 4-inch slit like a blowtorch" from his abdomen, and he was absolutely convinced that this flame was burning from the inside out, said Arnold. He also discussed an incident of a Holy man in India who was said to immolate himself at will, and a recent case of SHC that took place in Ireland.

    News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Andre Eggelletion

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