Impending Earth Changes

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Impending Earth Changes


  • Hopi Prophecy
  • Solar Cycle & EMP Concerns
  • La Palma & Tsunami Dangers
  • About the show

    Authors Stan & Holly Deyo discussed possible cataclysmic Earth changes, and Hopi prophecy, which paints a bleak picture for the United States. As we approach the '5th World,' the Hopi foresee a huge water inundation in the Southwest, and a great Civil War, during which allied forces from Russia, China, and the Middle East will invade the US, Stan reported. Due to tectonic activity, "I think what's going to happen is we're going to have a catastrophic break up of the West Coast," that will lead to the flooding of Hopi mesas in the Southwest, he continued. Deyo shared a map that showed coastal regions of the US underwater, which he believes will happen from rising sea levels.

    The Deyos detailed a dangerous scenario in the Canary Islands, where the volcanic ridge of Cumbre Vieja on La Palma Island could collapse and create a mega tsunami that within 8 hours would hit the East Coast of the US, coming around 16 miles inland. A fissure bisects the volcano, making the shelf very unstable, with around a half-trillion tons of rock that would fall into the sea, if there was a large enough quake to set it off, Holly explained. One of the other Canary islands, El Hierro, is currently in the midst of an earthquake swarm and some residents have been evacuated.

    Holly also presented information about a little known way that pharmaceutical companies' profit. According to a military study, many prescription drugs have expiration dates that are listed as much shorter than they actually are. For instance, Cipro tablets are listed as having a shelf life of five years, when in reality it's 12 years. Stan gave an update on UFO activity, and announced that MUFON now has a Live Event Report Feed. For more on the topics covered by the Deyos, see this special page they set up.

    Anti-Wall St. Protests

    First hour guest, author Howard Bloom talked about the anti-Wall St. protests in NYC. The 'Occupy Wall Street' movement is catching on, with people discontent over unemployment and the wealth disparity in the US, enthused about participating in a movement bigger than themselves, he reported, adding that the protests have started to spread to other cities. Bloom noted that the American government itself was formed as a protest to Britain, and that protest movements can usefully call attention to problems when things get out of balance.

    News segment guests: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, James McCanney

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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