Summoning Spirits

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Summoning Spirits

About the show

During the first two hours of the program, occult expert and modern day warlock Christian Day discussed his practice of the magical arts and how the spirits of the dead can be summoned to help us get what we need. Day explained why he calls himself a warlock (a male witch) and the controversy it stirred up during the Charlie Sheen meltdown earlier this year, as well as how he personally approaches working with the dead. Calling on those who have passed over for assistance in life is no different than a Catholic petitioning the help of a saint, he said.

According to Day, the most important tool one needs to commune with the dead is an ancestral altar, which he noted could simply be a photo of one's departed relative or some trinket they prized. It's about building a psychic connection with the spirit on the other side and getting into a visionary state to receive their feedback, he continued. Day revealed that on his altar is a skull named Robert, a chalice filled with spring water, and a jar of honey. "A skull is a doorway to the spirit world," he said. Day also warned against working with malevolent entities.


Open Lines

The second half of the show featured Open Lines. Lisa in San Diego shared her first experience as a clairaudient—a person who can hear spirits. Lisa claimed that she heard and was compelled to write a seemingly random string of words, including "Rachel" and "Ovaltine." Later, during a visit to the grocery store, she said a young woman helped her find the peanut butter aisle. The employee's name tag read "Rachel" and they were standing next to the Ovaltine, Lisa revealed. Quentin from Palm Desert, California, recalled a memory from when he was only one year old and saw three women, each dressed in a different colored suit, staring down at him in the cradle. George helped James in Kenova, West Virginia, with a surprise on-air marriage proposal to his girlfriend, Emily. She said yes.

News segment guests: Greg Hunter / Robert Zubrin

Bumper Music